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Built-in functions

A lot of basic functions are provided out-of-the-box by Scriban. You can find more information on these built-in Scriban functions here.

Custom functions

In addition to that, and also to interact nicely with the needs of timekeepers, RaceResultExchange also comes with a wide range of utility functions:

Method Parameters Description
FormatRaceResult <timespan>
Converts a given timespan or datetime and formats it using RaceResult12 formating syntax.
Example: {{ Runtime | FormatRaceResult "Hh:mm:ss,k" }} produces 2:55:87,7.
TrimPad <string>
Trims the or pads the given string to always be as long as length and aligns it by the alignment values ("Left", "Right", "Center") Example: {{ "Hallo, this text is too long" | TrimPad 8 "Center" }} produces Hallo, t.
ToTimeSpan <object> Converts any object to a timespan, e.g. number of seconds provided by raceresult
RemoveAccents <string> Removes all accents on the given string
Example: {{ "Tobìas Däuber" | RemoveAccents }} produces Tobias Dauber

Specific functions

There are also functions available to special needs of FDS displays or ALGE D-Lines.